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Biodegradable packaging with TDPA additives


EPI Environmental Technologies Inc. (EPI Group) was founded in 1991 and has its headquarters in Vancouver (Canada) and also large branch offices in USA, UK and Asia. The Company owns intellectual property and patents worldwide. EPI technology is supported by leading institutions in the USA, Italy, France and England. EPI company owns almost all the research in the field of biodegradable plastics.

The company is a leader in oxo - biodegradable technology.

EPI is licensing manufacturers of quality plastics world wide. Those producers with the license have the right to use the technology produced by EPI. In particular, the production of own-degradable (and biodegradable) products made of plastic. Working with world-renowned scientists in the field EPI has developed and completed a complete range of TDPA additives (totally degradable plastic additives).

What are TDPA additives?

Additive TDPA (oxy-biodegradable additives) allow polymers in which structure they belong in the process of biodegradation. In addition, they are a catalyst for the reaction of the destruction of carbon bonds in the molecules of the polymer and their oxidation via the "programmed" time. It is important to note that the presence of additives does not change the properties of the base polymer and therefore the final product. Packaging manufactured by using additives will be just as strong printable and with the usual transparency.

What is the process of biodegradation?

Biodegradation process has two-stages:

∙ in the first stage plastic decomposes by oxidation due to the additives and by the heat of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

∙ in the second phase the decomposition continues with the action of microorganisms in nature.

Heat, mechanical action, and light (UV).

The whole process of oxidation and biodegradation takes between 12 to 24 months.

What are the advantages of biodegradable polymers?

∙ Cost-effective for manufacturers and end-users, very low cost.

∙ Is not inferior to the strength and quality of alternative products.

∙ Keep all the properties of polyethylene.

∙ Make regular use of polyethylene environmentally responsible.

∙ Does not pollute the environment, reducing the areas of ​​contaminated dumping sites.

∙ Has the ability to be recycled without harm to the environment.

∙ Has a controlled product life cycle (production - use - biodegradation).

∙ Effective and safe. Approved for contact with food products and certified in leading laboratories and test centres around the world.

∙ Approved by the Board of International Scholars (ISAB) and the Institute for oxo - biodegradable plastics (OPI).

∙ Does not have any toxic or side effects.

∙ Save the environment for future generations.

Pollution of the environment is one of the most important worldwide concerns to date. In this context the problem of recycling plastic waste is particularly acute. Most goods today are packed in plastic bags and when discarded end up in land fills where they remain for many years (the decomposition of polyethylene takes 100-200 years).

Our offer to you - oxo biodegradable plastics allowing you to build your environmentally responsible business.

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