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Plastic packaging from secondary raw material

Manufacture of plastic products increases year by year and include packages, bags, labels, film, tape, folders, and many other products. This increases the amount of plastic waste which pollutes the environment. Plastic is made from materials which do not decomposed over time and the problem of waste processing of plastics has become very relevant, not only in relation to the environment, but also due to the lack of a polymeric material.

For example from 1 kg of waste (polypropylene PP, LDPE, HDPE) comes 0.8 kg. of recycled materials. In addition, the products which have completed their life cycle, are often a cheaper raw material.

Products created from recycled materials are the number one trend in the West showing an education of responsible attitude to the environment.

Benefits of plastic packaging from secondary raw materials:

- waste reduction.

- conservation of natural resources.

- economical for manufacturers and end-users.

- low cost.

The price of packaging made out of 35% recycled and 65% pure LDPE is 5% lower than the price of a similar package but with 100% HDPE.

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