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Polypropylene SacksPolypropylene Sacks are a durable and reliable form of packaging which allows the optimization of freight operations helping to exclude loss occurring while transporting a variety of freight.Polypropylene Sacks have many advantages. They are chemically neutral, durable to stretching and humidity, corrosion and putrefaction free and envirementally friendly.. The laminated lay (warmed lay of polyethylene, applied over a polypropylene material) strengthens and fixes the internal polypropylene covering. The sacks are unaffected by both high and low temperatures from–70 up to +100°С. An alternative variant for lamination is loose leaf which is a polyethylene packet which is inserted in a sack. The loose leaf makes the polypropylene sack humidity permeable and gives an additional durability. They are produced to order. Due to the good characteristics polypropylene sacks are widely used for courier shipments and they are an ideal solutions for packing unbreakabke mail freight. Using these sacks allows possibility to exclude small items like envelopes, printed matter, parcels etc. With our polypropylene sacks your freight will be delivered without any losses and they will be protected from damp during transportation and storage allowing you to save on the packaging cost. MANFOL OFFERS YOU POLYPROPYLENE SACKS WITH THE FOLLOWING PARAMETRS:Colour – whiteMaterial – polypropylene linen Density of the material with lamination 50+20 g./m2 Standard sizes, which we always have in the warehouse (weight + height –minimum edition) 50*70 – 1000pcs./package 55*105 - 500 pcs./package 80*120 - 300 pcs./package 100*150 - 250 pcs./package 140*170 - 150 pcs./package Making polypropylene sacks of any sizes and colors, applying any logo (image) – is the customer’s choice Polypropylene sacks with any logo or any other corporate symbol will make your packaging more original, individual, and well-known in the market.
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